Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Position of Authority

Who knew that if you stood in agreement with someone, it would put you in better position than standing alone. In some things, one must stand alone. But what happens when you have someone to stand with you through something. Are you encouraged? Are you energized? Do you have motivation? Are you strengthened? Remember when we were kids, we might have played Red Rover. I laugh about it a little. But think about it..... We wanted our team to be the biggest and baddest. We had to be unified in order to be successful. But, if that person found where there was a breach, then they could take someone back to the other side with them. The Bible says, "How can two walk together except they agree?" So it is important when you are dealing with things and are believing God for an answer, that you have someone agree with you for an answer. It is also important for you to agree in other places, like church. It is the position of authority. Selah

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