Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Position of Authority

Who knew that if you stood in agreement with someone, it would put you in better position than standing alone. In some things, one must stand alone. But what happens when you have someone to stand with you through something. Are you encouraged? Are you energized? Do you have motivation? Are you strengthened? Remember when we were kids, we might have played Red Rover. I laugh about it a little. But think about it..... We wanted our team to be the biggest and baddest. We had to be unified in order to be successful. But, if that person found where there was a breach, then they could take someone back to the other side with them. The Bible says, "How can two walk together except they agree?" So it is important when you are dealing with things and are believing God for an answer, that you have someone agree with you for an answer. It is also important for you to agree in other places, like church. It is the position of authority. Selah

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is there an Othniel in the House?

Othniel is not someone who was well known in the Bible.  He was not one who has a Book in the Bible titled with his name.  But he was mighty in the sight of God.  He was strong in character and I believed he moved when God said move.  He was triumphant in battle and won the hand of Achsah, daughter of Caleb.  The Israelites went to war and lost many battles because of their refusal to follow God.  They began to serve Baal and other Gods.  The Israelites grew tired of being enslaved, etc. and began to cry out unto the Lord for a deliverer.  God had given them Othniel.  But Othniel did not move until the Spirit of the Lord came upon him.  Othniel judged Israel and the land had rest for 40 years.  Forty years is a biblical generation.  Even though the enemy may try and come against you and push you and battle you, you can stand on the Word of God and be at peace.  Don't move until the Lord says so.  Wait for Him to lead and guide you and rest in the Lord.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

His Mercies Renewed Every Morning

It's been a long time since I've written.  A lot of things have occurred.  Some good and some bad.  But through it all, I can't complain.  No I'm not going to sing one of my favorite songs but it is most fitting at this time.  Ponder this, all heck breaking loose in your life.  Not knowing which way to go, but trustng in the Lord to show you the way.  God has been so good to me.  I know He has been good to a lot of us but I can talk about me.  I was preparing to go to work and received a text message with the following scripture on it:  Exodus 1:7-19.  It changed and revitalized my life.  Let me give you the backdrop.  Joshua had brought his family to live in Goshen.  He passed away and there arose a new Phaoroah who didn't know Joshua, his family or the things that he had done.  He and his advisors looked over into Goshen and saw that these people were strong and they multiplied.  Phaoroah was afraid and his advisors bright idea was to entrap the Israelites into slavery.  But this is the part that I like (verse 12)"But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew."  God can bring you out of any you let Him.  Walk in His ways and let God light your path.  Remember, the more the enemy comes to afflict you, the more you will grow and multiply.  **Smooches**

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Just wanted to let you all know that I was working really hard and not getting all the rest that was needed but I'm thankful for all the things that I have received and let go of and those things that God will allow me to do in this time and this season.....Selah.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Glorious Days

Today is a very special day.  It is my birthday.  I am so grateful and blessed today.  Take time out to think about all of the things God has blessed you with.  We take for granted sometimes the things we need or the body functions we have.  So many people in this world can't walk, talk, read or breathe.  But God does so much more for us than that.  He makes a way out of no way, He heals when the doctor's say there is nothing else they can do. He makes the impossible possible.  How great and glorious He is ......and so is this day.  Selah.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thankful and Grateful

Being thankful and grateful are things that have been replaced by arrogance and demands. Remember when you used to be thankful for the things that you had instead of talking about the things you have as if they are nothing? Remember when you use to appreciate that relationship you had and would do what you could to preserve it? This world has grown colder and harder and it is very few times when I can look out in my neighborhood and surrounding areas to see love, appreciation, affection, and gratefulness for the things we have. But I continue to look..........selah.