Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Glorious Days

Today is a very special day.  It is my birthday.  I am so grateful and blessed today.  Take time out to think about all of the things God has blessed you with.  We take for granted sometimes the things we need or the body functions we have.  So many people in this world can't walk, talk, read or breathe.  But God does so much more for us than that.  He makes a way out of no way, He heals when the doctor's say there is nothing else they can do. He makes the impossible possible.  How great and glorious He is ......and so is this day.  Selah.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thankful and Grateful

Being thankful and grateful are things that have been replaced by arrogance and demands. Remember when you used to be thankful for the things that you had instead of talking about the things you have as if they are nothing? Remember when you use to appreciate that relationship you had and would do what you could to preserve it? This world has grown colder and harder and it is very few times when I can look out in my neighborhood and surrounding areas to see love, appreciation, affection, and gratefulness for the things we have. But I continue to look..........selah.